Crystal Sets to Sideband

I thought I’d start with a quick book review.

“CRYSTAL SETS TO SIDEBAND”, By Frank W. Harris, KØIYE has become something of a stand-out publication in the QRP and home-brew community.

This book takes the reader on a journey. Predominantly one man’s quest (the Authors) to build and operate a complete radio station comprised entirely of home-built equipment. Along the way little previous knowledge is assumed and so good coverage is given to basic electronics theory.

While not exactly intended as a set of “build this” instructions, it would none-the-less be possible to fairly accurately re-create Frank’s station from the level of detail given. But this book is more about the general science of home-brewing as an art. And the typical problems encountered along the way with solutions required to achieve a goal.

Mr. Frank Harris is a retired engineer and a superb writer. His very easy to read and often humorous style makes reading this excellent reference book a wholly enjoyable pastime.

Originally released back in 2002 the book in now in its 12th revision. You can locate the book at a great many Internet web-sites but the “Four State QRP Group” seems to have “official sanction” from the Author to host the book files. They are available for download from:-

Your can download either the entire book as one large file or each chapter as a separate file. All files are in Portable Document Format (PDF).

A highly recommended read for anyone interested in radio electronics and home-brewing. Even if you just wanted an “insight” into this side of the Amateur Radio hobby and never intend on building anything at all.